1:1 Coaching
Illustration of a coaching session featuring two individuals seated at a table, a coach and a client, engaging in a productive dialogue, epitomizing personal and career development in the tech industry.
Work-Life Balance
Confidence Growth
Stress Management
Career Development

I'll help you solve complex business problems through simple, user-friendly design. Leverage the power of design research to grow.

Group Coaching
Illustration of people collaboratively climbing a pile of colorful debris symbolizing daily workplace challenges, showcasing teamwork and mutual support in overcoming obstacles in the tech sector.
Relationship Building
Conflict Resolution
Interpersonal Awareness
Career Development

I'll design websites that inspire users to engage with your product and take action, through conversion research and strategy.

Illustration of a 25-year-old woman with long brown hair leading a workshop in front of a class of attentive students, embodying empowerment and knowledge-sharing in the tech industry.
Work-Life Balance
Stress Management
Relationship Building
Conflict Resolution
Interpersonal Awareness

I'll craft stunning user experiences and interfaces that reduce the time to value and help your customers get their jobs done.

Infographic of a circle symbolizing the 12-week masterclass stages with a sunrise representing curiosity awakening and mountains depicting challenges, ideal for tech professionals' and brands' growth journey.
New Hire Jumpstart
Business Orientation
Corporate Immersion

I'll craft stunning user experiences and interfaces that reduce the time to value and help your customers get their jobs done.

1:1 Coaching

Work-Life Balance

Master work-life balance with 1:1 coaching! Learn to identify imbalance, set realistic goals, goal setting, prioritize and plan.

Confidence Growth

Elevate your confidence through personalized coaching! Discover techniques for self-esteem, assertive communication, and overcoming fear to unlock potential.

Stress Management

Transform stress into strength! In 1:1 coaching sessions we focus on your individual strategy for stress trigger point, coping mechanisms, resilience to achieve more relaxation.

Career Development

Advance your career with tailored 1:1 coaching. Gain clarity by the career assesment, skill development map, and design your own career development plan.

Full Attention

The coach focuses solely on the individual's specific needs, challenges, and objectives, providing a level of attention and customization not possible in group settings.

Deep Personalization

Strategies and solutions are tailored specifically to the individual’s personality, learning style, and goals, making them more effective and relevant.

Flexible Pacing

The coaching sessions can move at a pace that suits the individual's learning speed and adapt to their changing needs over time.

Confidentiality and Trust

A private setting allows for open, honest communication, fostering a confidential and trustful environment where sensitive issues can be discussed freely.

Direct Support

Immediate, direct feedback from the coach helps in recognizing blind spots and reinforcing strengths, facilitating faster personal growth.

Focused Development

Allows for concentrated effort on specific areas of development, whether professional skills, personal growth, or behavioral changes.

Group Coaching

Realationship Building

Unlock the power of connections in our group coaching on relationship building. Learn communication, push & pull and networking to forge meaningful relationships.

Conflict Resolution

Resolve conflicts with ease in our group session. Master active listening, negotiation, and techniques to turn disagreements into opportunities for growth

Interpersonal Awareness

Embrace calm in our mindfulness group coaching. Learn to be present, manage stress, and cultivate a peaceful mind amidst life's chaos with peers.

Career Development

Accelerate your career in our group coaching. Discover goal-setting, networking, and personal branding strategies to climb the ladder of success together.

Comprehensive Learning

Full-day workshops allow for a deep dive into subjects, giving participants the time to fully grasp complex concepts and develop new skills. This extended format is particularly beneficial for comprehensive topics that require more than just a basic overview.

Enhanced Team Building

Spending a full day together, away from the usual work environment, encourages team bonding. Participants engage in collaborative activities and discussions, fostering a sense of unity and improving teamwork skills.

In person Engagement

Unlike shorter sessions that might not allow participants to fully immerse themselves, full-day workshops provide an opportunity to engage deeply with the content. This sustained focus often leads to better understanding and retention of information.

Facilitation of Change

Full-day workshops are effective platforms for introducing and managing organizational efforts of change. They provide ample time to address concerns, discuss the implications of change, and align everyone’s understanding and attitudes towards new initiatives.

Group Feedback

The extended time frame allows facilitators to provide more personalized attention and feedback to each participant. This can be especially valuable in workshops that involve skill development or behavioral change.

Strategic Clarity

These workshops can be instrumental in aligning team members with the organization's strategic goals. They provide a forum to clarify objectives, roles, and responsibilities, ensuring that everyone is moving in the same direction.


Work-Life Balance

Master work-life balance in our 1-day workshop! Learn to identify imbalance, set realistic goals, goal setting, prioritize and plan.

Stress Management

Transform stress into strength! Our 1-day workshop teaches relaxation techniques, mindfulness, coping strategies, and resilience building for lasting calm.

Relationship Building

Unlock the secrets of strong relationships in our 1-day workshop! Learn effective communication, empathy and trust-building.

Conflict Resolution

Navigate conflicts with ease! Our 1-day workshop teaches effective resolution techniques, active listening, empathy, and negotiation skills for harmony.

Interpersonal Awareness

Boost your interpersonal skills in just a day! Learn self-awareness, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and empathy for better relationships.

Comprehensive Learning

Full-day workshops allow for a deep dive into subjects, giving participants the time to fully grasp complex concepts and develop new skills. This extended format is particularly beneficial for comprehensive topics that require more than just a basic overview.

Enhanced Team Building

Spending a full day together, away from the usual work environment, encourages team bonding. Participants engage in collaborative activities and discussions, fostering a sense of unity and improving teamwork skills.

In person Engagement

Unlike shorter sessions that might not allow participants to fully immerse themselves, full-day workshops provide an opportunity to engage deeply with the content. This sustained focus often leads to better understanding and retention of information.

Facilitation of Change

Full-day workshops are effective platforms for introducing and managing organizational efforts of change. They provide ample time to address concerns, discuss the implications of change, and align everyone’s understanding and attitudes towards new initiatives.

Group Feedback

The extended time frame allows facilitators to provide more personalized attention and feedback to each participant. This can be especially valuable in workshops that involve skill development or behavioral change.

Strategic Clarity

These workshops can be instrumental in aligning team members with the organization's strategic goals. They provide a forum to clarify objectives, roles, and responsibilities, ensuring that everyone is moving in the same direction.


New Hire Jumpstart

Fast-track your success with 'New Hire Jumpstart'! Learn company culture, essential skills, and job-specific tactics in 12 weeks to excel from day one.

Business Orientation

Master the workforce with 'Business Orientation': 12 weeks to navigate company culture, professional skills, and industry insights for a standout start.

Corporate Immersion

Dive into 'Corporate Immersion': A 12-week journey through corporate culture, essential skills, and networking to seamlessly transition into the corporate world.

Business Curriculum

A step-by-step, self-paced roadmap designed to get unwritten business rules in your cook book. From managing your time, prioritization, relationship management and making a name for yourself.

Online Community

You are not alone on this career-building journey. Share your wins, stay motivated, and hold each other accountable inside our private, online community.

Templates & Resources

You’ll get access to a library of templates, resources, and pre-written copy, including: time management schemes, corporate structure scheme, scenario based conflict resolution, entrepreneurial mindset blueprints, and more.

Detailed Tutorials

Our detailed tutorials offer comprehensive step-by-step guidance, ensuring that you master complex concepts and skills with ease and confidence.

Feedback on course work

Our detailed feedback on course work provides invaluable insights and constructive critiques to help you achieve your  goals with precision and excellence.

Weekly Coaching

Whether you’re stuck on an assignment, want feedback on your progress, or have an onboarding hurdle in your way, join a weekly group coaching call and get unstuck.

From being
overwhelmed at work to Business professional in 90 days.

12 Weeks Roadmap

I'll help you solve complex business problems through simple, user-friendly design. Leverage the power of design research to grow.

Weekly Choaching

I'll design websites that inspire users to engage with your product and take action, through conversion research and strategy.

Execution Cycles

I'll craft stunning user experiences and interfaces that reduce the time to value and help your customers get their jobs done.

Learn the unwritten rules of business.

The Demystifying Business Program:
The business world, a place,
you have not been prepared for.

Become Business Professional in 90 days.

Join Now

Excel | Achieve | Conquer
We have everything you need.

Welcome to your 12 week roadmap, designed to boost your career by empowering you with the right tools for you to conquer the business world.

Business Curriculum

A step-by-step, self-paced roadmap designed to get unwritten business rules in your cook book. From managing your time, prioritization, relationship management and making a name for yourself.

Online Community

You are not alone on this career-building journey. Share your wins, stay motivated, and hold each other accountable inside our private, online community.

Templates & Resources

You’ll get access to a library of templates, resources, and pre-written copy, including: time management schemes, corporate structure scheme, scenario based conflict resolution, entrepreneurial mindset blueprints, and more.

Detailed Tutorials

Our detailed tutorials offer comprehensive step-by-step guidance, ensuring that you master complex concepts and skills with ease and confidence.

Detailed Feedback on course work

Our detailed feedback on course work provides invaluable insights and constructive critiques to help you achieve your  goals with precision and excellence.

Weekly Coaching

Whether you’re stuck on an assignment, want feedback on your progress, or have an onboarding hurdle in your way, join a weekly group coaching call and get unstuck.

Built for you
by tech professionals.

If you are working at a tech company with more than 300 people or work with clients that have more than 300 employees, this program is perfect for you.

Software Developer
Data Scientist
Technical Seller
Cybersecurity Analyst
IT Consultant
Cloud Architekt
Week 1

Setup your workspace, become familiar with our community and course work, and set your goals for the weeks to come.

Week 2
Time Management

Master your time, with skills in prioritizing tasks, setting goals, eliminating distractions, and achieving a balanced work-life routine.

Week 3
Understand the Corporate World

Explore corporate structures and values to understand organizational hierarchies, cultural norms, and ethical principles.

Week 4
Plan your 90-day transformation

Master the art of preparing for your first 90 days in a new role, ensuring a successful and impactful start.

Week 5
Understand yourself

Discover your strengths, preferences, and potential areas for growth, fostering personal and professional development.

Week 6
Prevent Burnout

Emphasize well-being and personal boundaries. Learn to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and create a healthier, more balanced life.

Week 7
Communicate like a pro

Master effective communication and conflict resolution. Develop skills to navigate verbal conflicts with empathy, clarity, and constructive dialogue.

Week 8
Build your Network

Acquire essential skills for forming meaningful connections and fostering a reliable, empowering support system.

Week 9
Career Growth

Strategically plan your career, set achievable goals, and make informed decisions for a successful professional journey.

Week 10
Fastlane to your first Promotion

Learn to strategically plan your path to promotion, mastering the skills and strategies needed to advance in your career.

Week 11
Entrepreneur Mindset

Explore innovative thinking, risk-taking, and problem-solving to drive business success and personal growth.

Week 12
Recap & Rewind

Reflect on your learning journey and envision your next steps in this module. Summarize your experiences and apply newfound knowledge to future goals.

What makes our Masterclasses unique:

Our 12 week roadmaps are designed to deal with the scenarios that await you.
We cover divers topics each with their own heat.

Progress at your own pace

The flexibility to progress at your own pace. Tailor your learning journey to your needs and schedule. It is okay that life sometimes takes control of your life. We are here for you, and we designed the program around you.

Always Improving program

What sets our program apart is our commitment to continuous improvement. We actively enhance the content and resources, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date and valuable education.

Finish with your certification

Our program is distinct in that it culminates with a certification. Prove your mastery and boost your credentials with a certification upon successful completion.

OWN building your career, NOW. Investing in yourself is the best investment.

OWN building your career, NOW. Investing in yourself is the best investment.



Pro Package



Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback



Pro Package



Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback



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Premium Package



Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback



Pro Package



Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
Pricing plans

Get more value from your tools with CF integrations

Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate.

Personal Subscription
Enterprise Solution
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Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
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Start with 7 day Free Trial + Save 25% - quarterly pricing
Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
2x 45min Individual 1on1 Coaching Sessions
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Project Based
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Step by Step video Lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
Corporate License Use Rights
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Step by Step video lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
Corporate Licence Use Rights
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Step by Step video lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
HR On & Off Boarding
Program Onboarding Support
Impact Project Report
Corporate Licence Use Rights
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Plan Based
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Step by Step video lessons
Weekly Group Coaching
Templates, Worksheets, & Copy
Weekly Work Feedback
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Our services are crafted for you
by experienced professionals.

Marvin Gruensfelder
Chief Executive Officer,

Worldwide Coaching Lead, Microsoft
Chief Motivation Officer,

Mascot, NuTechLead

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are better then ever.

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are better then ever.

"I really enjoyed working with Marvin as my professional coach. His empathy as well as his excellent communication and listening skills has made my coaching very insightful and created a great personal value [...]."

Antje Buchholz
Sales Team Lead, Microsoft Coaching Client,
Company Initiative

" [...] Marvin's ability to make me feel comfortable and get the most out of me through powerful questions is amazing and for me was really eye-opening. For me, Marvin is definitely the ultimate mentor and if you really want to make a big change in your life."

Hameed Yusuf
Software Engineer,
Self Employed Coaching Client

"Marvin is by far one of the most inspiring people I have ever had the chance to talk to. He is very competent in coaching and knows exactly how to drive positive change in someone’s career perspectives."

Bruno Costa
Software Developer,
Runway 36 Coaching Client

"During our coaching sessions he asked a lot of questions to deeply understand my area of development. Marvin challenged me with actions that really helped me to develop and I learnt a lot from him. Even if we could only talk over teams I felt really connected to him and am very grateful that I had the opportunity to get coached and mentored by him. "

Petra Fonticelli
Sales Team Lead, Microsoft Coaching Client,
Company Initiative

"In just a couple of sessions he helped me find my career path, what to look for and how to seize every wonderful moment in my career. He thought me not to rush into things, to take a step back and appreciate what I have accomplished and taking a moment of appreciation. [...]"

Janis Kitenbergs
Software Engineer, Swedbank Coaching Client

Make sure Future Business Skills is the right fit for your career.

Still not sure if our program is the right next step for you? Find the answers to your questions here.

Have a different question?
Email Us, Let us Know
What is the Future Business skills program?

Inside Future skills program you’ll get a 12 week, step-by-step roadmap with the exact actions needed to move your career and business environment in tech from zero to future proof:

Video curriculum, business resources, and weekly live coaching calls to guide you through any challenges you have along the way.

All you need to bring is your drive, persistence, and open mindset. We’ll deliver the rest.

What does the Future Business skills program cover?

The business world is full of flashy new tech.

From Crypto, to NFTs, to Metaverse and Bored Apes. Technology entering the business world too-good-to-be-true  that it can be hard to know what to focus on. While new tech enters the workplace the way we work and need to adjust to the new work environment changes by the minute.

We start speaking with AI agents which used to be humans sitting in call centers. COVID years displayed how quickly people are able to or are forced to adjust to new business environments called “the new normal”.Be better prepared to new arising “new normalS” to come with proven tactics to be future proof.

Be clear what you want to achieve. Where you come from and how to build on it.The driving force of all your career decisions is knowing what kind of career you want and the problems you want to solve.

Tech Feasibility
Stop reinventing the baseline of productivity with flashy new names and understand the foundations. From there we optimize with new learning systems and optimization processes.

You will change nothing if you do start the change with yourself. At the beginning we will knock at the door. At some point we need to bulldoze through walls and the awakening will be painful and grueling. But it all makes sense. There is a reason we are by default a very efficient organism. We have to force our mind through the self preserving mechanism to grow.

Ever got energy from a toxic environment.  People work with people and connections are build over time with the right mindset, bonds and communication.Set the right environment of people around you to thrive.

Is the Future Business skills program right for me?designed?

Are you struggling to keep up with tech trends?

Are you either just starting or struggling to implement new tech related business routines in your life?

Are you willing to put in the work to change your business mindset?

If you answered yes to all three questions, Futur Skills program is for you!Over the years, we’ve worked with hundreds of corporate talents who have struggled with businesses related skills and we’ve created this program to handle those struggles.If you’re trying to get your head around the fast pace tech world and how your business environment changes, Futur Skills program is right for you.

Future Business skills program will NOT work if

❌ You are self employed, our program is designed for employees and their business and tech environment.

❌ You have no touchpoint with technology.

❌ You’re looking for a magic pill that will fix all of your challenges without putting in the work to build a solid baseline,, setup your foundations the right way, and experiments that will regularly take you out of your comfort zone.

❌ You’re looking for a place to hang out and consume content rather than get into the execution and spent time to reflect on what you learned.

❌ You’re still at school or university and are not yet employed.

Future Business skills program will work if

✅You are a driven individual who want to make the most of your career.

✅ You’re willing to regularly step outside of your comfort zone to grow your skills and career in unexpected ways.

✅ You’re ready to put in the work to gain the type of momentum in your career that will set it up for success for years to come.

✅ You’re open to critical feedback from our coaches because you know that some tough-love from a mentor will help you grow. Your ego is left at the door.

✅ You have essential experience with tech and business experience to advance on your experience and we do not start from absolute 0.

What if I miss a coaching call?

To encourage creation over consumption, coaching calls will not be recorded. But if you miss one, you’re in luck. We host them every week, excluding holidays.

How long does the program take?

This program only works if you do. The Future Skills program is designed to build your skills from the ground up.

So the more effort you put in the beginning to build you frameworks properly, the stronger you growth will be.

If you do not have a project or role at a company to make use of the skills at the moment, we recommend treating this program like your full time project. As you get deeper into the program, you be working more on your individual development and less on the foundations.

Should I plan for additional expenses?

We’ve carefully selected software easy and have made sure we focus on the minimum software expenses.

At some point in our program we have some psychometric tests to choose from which range in detail, service and price.

Depending on your preferences and interest in applying. None of them are mandatory to complete the program.

How long does the membership last?

Your membership is a month to month or quarter by quarter subscription and lasts as long as you’d like it to.

However, since the Future Business Skills program is designed from the ground up, we ask that anyone who wants to make the most out of it to commit to 12 weeks.

What If I do not like the program?

If you’re not happy with the program, we will make it right. Reach out to marvin@nutechlead.com within 14 days of signing up for a complete refund.

What is my financial commitment with the future skills program?

We have a 7 day trial in place, so you can have a look around and get a glimpse of what we offer. By doing so you do not have any financial commitment. We have several options for joining the Future Skills program.

As an individual, you can pay in full for a quarter inside the membership at 237€ (which saves you 20%) or pay 99€ a month.

As an employee who gets sponsored by your employer, you have similar modalities as consumers. Monthly subscriptions on the basis of you taking the program on your own or you taking the program as a bigger group as part of your organization.
Thecorporate basic program, is based on the personal program with additional rigths for commerical use.In case you a part of the intermediate enterprise plan we take care of the subscriptions with your emplyee in the background.  

In general, subscriptions will renew automatically unless you cancel your subscription.