
Tech business:
to university hires


Lisa, a recent university graduate, embarked on her professional journey with a prominent corporate tech company, eager to make her mark but feeling overwhelmed by the transition from academia to the corporate world. Understanding the challenges faced by new hires like Lisa, our coaching agency designed a 12-week masterclass, meticulously tailored to equip them with a deep understanding of the business landscape, the company’s ethos, and the skills needed to navigate and excel within a large organization. The program aimed to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical business skills, focusing on conflict management, organizational structure, goal setting, project prioritization, and finding personal purpose through concepts like the Ikigai model.


Throughout the 12 weeks, Lisa underwent a transformational journey. She started with a foundational understanding of her company's values, mission, and services, which helped her see beyond her immediate role and appreciate the broader impact of her work. Through modules on conflict management, she learned effective strategies to resolve disputes and foster a collaborative work environment. The exploration of the company's hierarchy demystified the organizational structure, empowering her to navigate her career path more strategically. The sessions on SMART goals and project prioritization equipped her with the tools to manage her workload efficiently, deliver results, and contribute meaningfully to her team. Most importantly, the Ikigai framework guided Lisa in discovering her personal purpose within the context of her new role, aligning her passions and skills with the company's objectives.


The masterclass not only enhanced Lisa's practical skills but also instilled in her a profound sense of belonging and purpose within the company. She emerged as a confident, insightful, and motivated member of her team, ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. Her growth did not go unnoticed; her ability to handle complex projects, lead with empathy, and contribute to a positive work culture made her a valued asset to her organization. Lisa's journey inspired her peers, prompting a ripple effect that encouraged more university hires to seek out opportunities for personal and professional development.


Our agency offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the needs of corporate tech companies and their employees:

+ 12-Week Masterclass for University Hires: A holistic program covering company values, conflict management, organizational hierarchy, SMART goals, project prioritization, and finding personal purpose.

+ Customized Workshops and Seminars: Topics include leadership development, team building, effective communication, and innovation.

+ One-on-One Coaching: Personalized guidance for employees at all levels to achieve career milestones, improve performance, and navigate workplace challenges.

+ Team Coaching Sessions:
Designed to enhance team dynamics, collaboration, and productivity.

Lisa's story is a testament to the transformative power of targeted educational programs in facilitating a smooth transition for new hires into the business world, enabling them to contribute effectively and find fulfillment in their careers. If your organization is looking to empower its new recruits with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to thrive, our 12-week masterclass is the perfect solution. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help your newest team members embark on a journey of discovery and growth.

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